Bradley Verhelle

Fine Artist and Illustrator


Below is a list of every major body of work and/or exhibition I have had the pleasure of creating and/or curating.  Each section has a corresponding website page where the reserach, concepts, and material practice are expanded upon

What about a memory, if anything, makes up an identity?  What does it mean to lose a memory, and what does it take to learn to forget?  How mutable is a recollection, and what makes a thought 'real'?  Who are you right now?  Can a memory be shared, copied?  To what extent?  Is it possible to grow by means of regression?  How do we remember slowly?

Mnemonic Mercury explores what it means to forget and asks how much we can concede while maintaining personal identity.  Twelve color-film photographs mounted on 

Periphery is an exhibition of print, photographic, and illustrative work by local artists Mia Brown-Seguin, Oliver Stern, and Bradley Verhelle.  This collaborative project is a resopnse to artists' perceptions of their surroundings, senses of place, and the ways in which environments exist in our minds.


The work illuminates spaces hidden in plain sight, those physical environments peripheral to our vision, and dependent relationships between urban and natural spaces.  By dispelling a 'true' sense of the world, embracing the unseen, distorted, and marginal, the individual perceptual experience is validated.


Periphery is made up of a variety of alternative and antiquated processes including aquatint prints, broad spectrum photography, cyanotype, gum-dichromate prints, illustrations, intaglio prints, and trichromatic photogrpahy.  These processes come together, often in combination, to yield equally alternative represenetations of place.